Welcome to Menzies Creek Electrical

Menzies Creek Electrical is a business operating in and around Menzies Creek in Melbourne’s Eastern Suburbs.  The Business Owner/Operator – ‘Geoff Connor’ is also the Owner of Epping Electrical that has been in operation successfully since 2008.  Geoff is not your typical tradie, he spent the majority of his working life within the Information Technology sector.  This technical IT experience has allowed him to become the Victorian Distributor of a range of Smart Lighting products that perfectly blends both his strengths of Electrical and Communications Technology.  You may have seen him at the Melbourne Home Show recently showcasing the goSmart Lighting business.

The Menzies Creek Electrical philosophy is simple.  Quality Work that lasts a lifetime.  Too often we see shortcuts made by licensed electricians that ultimately lead to faults within a few years.  We think all electricians workmanship should be covered with some level of warranty, but most don’t.  Simply taking the time to properly prepare cables and making sure every connection is tight is one thing every electrician should do before walking away.

Geoff has recently spent 18 months re-building his family home after significant storm damage in 2020.  Geoff completed the re-build and modernisation in 2022 at a standard beyond most registered builders.  He is more than capable to undertake all types of Electrical work at the highest standard.

If you need electrical repairs or new work in and around your home, give us a call.  You wont be disappointed.

Free Call 1300 232 796     |     Mobile 0431 232 796     |     email  Geoff@MenziesCreekElectrical.com.au